About & Disclaimer

About & Disclaimer

eishstudentbudget is a personal finance blog that was created in 2015 with the aim of educating university students on their finances. The ultimate goal is to assist students in taking the "eish" out of student finances.

eishstudentbudget captures the essence of being a South African university student.
It depicts a reality that is exciting, yet financially taxing on most. You know, the word “eish” is a simple word that changes meaning depending on the context.

"Used in South African English and Afrikaans to express exasperation or disbelief, the word was first transliterated from the Xhosa language to Afrikaans, and then into South African English."
Like, when you want to go out with friends and you check your bank balance using cellphone banking (’cause you fancy like that). Only to find that not only do you have no money, but your balance is negative. You owe the bank money!


This blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. 

The information presented herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional financial advice.

Always talk to your financial advisor about the risks and benefits of any financial information shared. If you are looking for financial advice, kindly speak to somebody who is certified and registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA).

eishstudentbudget™ and its owner(s) are not liable for any loss, harm, or damage you may incur as a result of you using the information presented here.


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